Our Story

Moving from design to regulatory work

Regulatory work isn't for everyone.

We admit it. We miss building products somedays. After nearly fifteen years of building wireless products, though we found a point where we felt like there was a need in the design community for a different approach to EMC testing testing, and created Sunfire Testing as the first designer first organization for EMC testing. We have worked on and processed hundreds of FCC Certifications and seen every possible edge case to the rules(or so we think...)

With the introduction of the requirements for an FCC Designated Agent, and our expertise in FCC testing, we received urgent requests from our internationals clients to provide agency services, and we have created this new company to provide a similar experience. We are here for the long haul to represent your company as your FCC Designated Agent, and you can rely stand ready to assist with any inquiry as needed.

Say Hello

Management Team

Managing Director

Tim Payne

Operating Officer

Miranda Lu

FCC US Agent Logo